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NYCAN, New York-based members of the 2017 Nobel Peace Laureate, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, CALLS ON MAYOR ADAMS OFFICE AND THE NYC OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TO REJECT FALSEHOODS OF NUCLEAR SURVIVABILITY AND IMPLEMENT INT 1621.

  • WHEN: Monday, July 18, 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.

  • WHERE: City Hall Park, NYC

  • CONTACT: See Full Press Release

NYCAN rejects the falsehoods of nuclear survivability as propagated in NYC’s Office of Emergency Management’s PSA, issued on July 11 2022. “Get inside, stay inside, and stay tuned” represents a total lack of understanding of what thermonuclear weapons mean and how a single modern nuclear weapon would instantaneously and radically destroy our beloved city, killing millions of New Yorkers in seconds, making any preparedness or rescue effort utterly impossible.

15 July 2022

The NYC Emergency Management Office released a bombshell last week – a video PSA on how to survive a nuclear attack! …and it has generated a firestorm of its own. It’s the 1950’s laughable Duck and Cover drill, repackaged in all seriousness for hip Millennials. Hear full interview below!

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NYC Nuclear PSA Disinfo Hogwash – You Don’t “Got This”
NYCAN’s Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Seth Shelden on the Nuclear Hotseat Podcast

“Dear Council Speaker Adams and NYC Council Members,

As New York City-based members of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) 2017 Nobel Peace Laureate, we were shocked by the “nuclear preparedness” PSA produced by the NYC Office for Emergency Management, seen by nearly 750,000 and written about in US media and countries around the world. To give people the false impression that a nuclear attack is survivable and to tell New Yorkers “You’ve got this”, is spreading a lie so harmful that those in charge should issue a formal retraction and resign from their positions. How can such a team be trusted with floods and hurricanes when they invent escape plans that are utterly out of touch with reality?”

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